Strength: Every 1:30 for 7 rounds
3-3-2-2-1-1-1 pause front squat (a second pause at the bottom)
3-3-2-2-1-1-1 front squat
4 minutes time cap.
30 sumo deadlift high pull (40/25)
*every minute (including 0:00) starts with 4 hand release push ups
max. rep sit ups in remaining time
rest 1:30
4 minutes time cap.
40 hand release push ups
*every minute (including 0:00) starts with 4 sit ups
max. rep sumo deadlift high pull (40/25) in remaining time
rest 1:30
4 minutes time cap.
50 sit ups
*every minute (including 0:00) starts with 4 sumo deadlift high pull (40/25)
max. rep hand release push ups in remaining time
CORE: 2 Rounds
:30 max. rep shoulder taps
:30 rest
:30 plank
:30 rest
:30 max. rep mountain climbers
:30 rest